The ADP3309 anyCAP LDO uses a single control loop for
regulation and reference functions. The output voltage is sensed
by a resistive voltage divider consisting of R1 and R2, which is
varied to provide the available output voltage option. Feedback
is taken from this network by way of a series diode (D1) and a
second resistor divider (R3 and R4) to the input of an amplifier.
R3 D1
Figure 2. Functional Block Diagram
A very high gain error amplifier is used to control this loop.
The amplifier is constructed in such a way that at equilibrium it
produces a large, temperature proportional input offset volt-
age that is repeatable and very well controlled. The temperature
proportional offset voltage is combined with the comple-
mentary diode voltage to form a virtual band gap voltage, im-
plicit in the network, although it never appears explicitly in the
circuit. Ultimately, this patented design makes it possible to
control the loop with only one amplifier. This technique also
improves the noise characteristics of the amplifier by providing
more flexibility on the trade-off of noise sources that leads to a
low noise design.
The R1, R2 divider is chosen in the same ratio as the band gap
voltage to the output voltage. Although the R1, R2 resistor
divider is loaded by the diode D1, and a second divider consist-
ing of R3 and R4, the values can be chosen to produce a tem-
perature stable output.
The patented amplifier controls a new and unique noninverting
driver that drives the pass transistor, Q1. The use of this special
noninverting driver enables the frequency compensation to
include the load capacitor in a pole splitting arrangement to
achieve reduced sensitivity to the value, type, and ESR of the
load capacitance.
Most LDOs place very strict requirements on the range of
ESR values for the output capacitor because they are difficult
to stabilize due to the uncertainty of load capacitance and
resistance. Moreover, the ESR value, required to keep con-
ventional LDOs stable, changes depending on load and
temperature. These ESR limitations make designing with
LDOs more difficult because of their unclear specifications
and extreme variations over temperature.
This is no longer true with the ADP3309 anyCAP LDO. It can
be used with virtually any capacitor, with no constraint on the
minimum ESR. This innovative design allows the circuit to be
stable with just a small 0.47 µF capacitor on the output. Addi-
tional advantages of the design scheme include superior line
noise rejection and very high regulator gain which leads to excel-
lent line and load regulation. An impressive ± 2.2% accuracy is
guaranteed over line, load, and temperature.
Additional features of the circuit include current limit and ther-
mal shutdown. Compared to the standard solutions that give
warning after the output has lost regulation, the ADP3309 pro-
vides improved system performance by enabling the ERR pin to
give warning before the device loses regulation.
As the chip’s temperature rises above 165°C, the circuit acti-
vates a soft thermal shutdown, indicated by a signal low on the
ERR pin, to reduce the current to a safe level.
Capacitor Selection: anyCAP
Output Capacitors: As with any micropower device, output
transient response is a function of the output capacitance. The
ADP3309 is stable with a wide range of capacitor values, types,
and ESR (anyCAP). A capacitor as low as 0.47 µF is all that is
needed for stability. However, larger capacitors can be used if
high output current surges are anticipated. The ADP3309 is
stable with extremely low ESR capacitors (ESR ≈ 0), such as
multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCC) or OSCON.
Input Bypass Capacitor: An input bypass capacitor is not re-
quired. However, for applications where the input source is high
impedance or far from the input pin, a bypass capacitor is rec-
ommended. Connecting a 0.47 µF capacitor from the input pin
(Pin 1) to ground reduces the circuit’s sensitivity to PC board
layout. If a bigger output capacitor is used, the input capacitor
must be 1 µF minimum.
Thermal Overload Protection
The ADP3309 is protected against damage due to excessive
power dissipation by its thermal overload protection circuit,
which limits the die temperature to a maximum of 165°C. Un-
der extreme conditions (i.e., high ambient temperature and
power dissipation) where die temperature starts to rise above
165°C, the output current is reduced until the die temperature
has dropped to a safe level. The output current is restored when
the die temperature is reduced.
Current and thermal limit protections are intended to protect
the device against accidental overload conditions. For normal
operation, device power dissipation should be externally limited
so that junction temperatures will not exceed 125°C.
Calculating Junction Temperature
Device power dissipation is calculated as follows:
where ILOAD and IGND are load current and ground current, VIN
and VOUT are input and output voltages, respectively.
Assuming ILOAD = 100 mA, IGND = 2 mA, VIN = 5.0 V, and
VOUT = 3.3 V, device power dissipation is
PD = (5.0 – 3.3) 100 mA + 5.0 × 2 mA = 180 mW
∆T = TJ – TA = PD × θJA = 0.18 × 190 = 34.2°C