The SP5611 is programmed from an I2C Bus. Data and
Clock are fed in on the SDA and SCL lines respectively, as
defined by the I2C Bus format. The synthesiser can either
accept new data (write mode) or send data (read mode). The
LSB of the address byte (R/W) sets the device into write mode
if it is low and read mode if it is high. The Tables in Fig. 3
illustrate the format of the data. The device can be pro-
grammed to respond to several addresses, which enables the
use of more than one synthesiser in an I2C Bus system.
Table 4 shows how the address is selected by applying a
voltage to P3.
When the device receives a correct address byte, it pulls
the SDA line low during the acknowledge period, and during
following acknowledge periods after further data bytes are
programmed. When the device is programmed into the read
mode, the controller accepting the data must pull the SDA line
low during all status byte acknowledge periods to read an-
other status byte. If the controller fails to pull the SDA line low
during this period, the device generates an internal STOP
condition, which inhibits further reading.
WRITE Mode (Frequency Synthesis)
When the device is in write mode bytes 2 and 3 select the
synthesised frequency, while bytes 4 and 5 control the output
port states, charge pump, reference divider ratio and various
test modes.
Once the correct address is received and acknowledged,
the first bit of the next byte determines whether that byte is
interpreted as byte 2 or 4; a logic 0 for frequency information
and a logic 1 for control and output port information. When
byte 2 is received the device always expects byte 3 next.
Similarly, when byte 4 is received the device expects byte 5
next. Additional data bytes can be entered without the need
to re-address the device until an I2C stop condition is
recognised. This allows a smooth frequency sweep for fine
tuning or AFC purposes.
If the transmission of data is stopped mid-byte (for exam-
ple, by another device on the bus) then the previously pro-
grammed byte is maintained.
Frequency data from bytes 2 and 3 are stored in a 15-bit
register and used to control the division ratio of the 15-bit
programmable divider. This is preceded by a divide-by-8
prescaler and amplifier to give excellent sensitivity at the local
oscillator input, see Fig. 5. The input impedance is shown in
Fig. 7.
The programmed frequency can be calculated by multiply-
ing the programmed division ratio by 8 times the comparison
frequency FCOMP. When frequency data is entered, the phase
comparator, via a charge pump and varicap drive amplifier,
adjusts the local oscillator control voltage until the output of
the programmable divider is frequency and phased locked to
the comparison frequency.
The reference frequency may be generated by an external
source capacitively coupled into pin 2, or provided by an on-
chip crystal controlled oscillator. The comparison frequency
FCOMP is derived from the reference frequency via the refer-
ence divider. The reference divider division ratio is switchable
from 512 to 1024, and is controlled by bit 7 of byte 4 (TS0); a
logic 1 to 512, a logic 0 for 1024. The SP5611 differs from the
SP5511 in this respect, only 512 being available on the
SP5511. Note that the comparison frequency is 7·8125kHz
when a 4MHz reference is used, and divide by 512 is selected.
Bit 2 of byte 4 of the programming data (CP) controls the
current in the charge pump circuit, a logic 1 for ±170µA and a
logic 0 for ±50µA, allowing compensation for the variable
tuning slope of the tuner and also to enable fast channel
changes over the full band. When the device is frequency
locked, the charge pump current is internally set to ±50µA
regardless of CP.
Bit 4 of byte 4 (T0) disables the charge pump when it is set
to a logic 1.
Bit 8 of byte 4 (OS) switches the charge pump drive
amplifier’s output off when it is set to a logic 1.
Bit 3 of byte 4 (T1) enables various test modes when set
high. These modes are selected by bits 5, 6 and 7 of byte 4
(TS2, and TS1, TS0) as detailed in Table 5. When T1 is set
low, TS2 and TS1 are assigned a ‘don’t care’ condition, and
TS0 selects the reference divider ratio as previously de-
Byte 5 programs the output ports P4 to P7; a logic 0 for a
high impedance output and a logic 1 for low impedance (on).
When the device is in read mode the status byte read from
the device on the SDA line takes the form shown in Table 2.
Bit 1 (POR) is the power-on reset indicator and is set to a
logic 1 if the VCC supply to the device has dropped below 3V
(at 25˚C), for example, when the device is initially turned on.
The POR is reset to 0 when the read sequence is terminated
by a stop command. When POR is set high (at low VCC), the
programmed information is lost and the output ports are all set
to high impedance.
Bit 2 (FL) indicates whether the device is phase locked, a
logic 1 is present if the device is locked, and a logic 0 if the
device is unlocked.
Bits 3, 4 and 5 (I2, I1, I0) show the status of the I/O Ports
P7, P5 and P4 respectively. A logic 0 indicates a low level and
a logic 1 a high level. If the ports are to be used as inputs they
should be programmed to a high impedance state (logic 1).
These inputs will then respond to data complying with TTL
type voltage levels.
Bits 6, 7 and 8 (A2, A1, A0) combine to give the output of
the 5-level ADC. The ADC can be used to feed AFC informa-
tion to the microprocessor from the IF section of the receiver,
as illustrated in the typical application circuit.
A typical application is shown in Fig. 4. All input/output
interface circuits are shown in Fig. 6. The SP5611 is function and
pin equivalent to the SP5511 device apart from the switchable
reference divider, and has much lower power dissipation, im-
proved RF sensitivity and better ESD performance.