(common /segment mix mode)
Input/output pins for chip selection
AT common/segment mode:
When L/R input is at Vss level “L”, ElO1 is set output, and EIO2 is set for input.
ElO1 : segment chip enable output, as default segment is enabled internally and be non-selected
after 8,24,40,56,72 or 88 bits of data have been read. Depend on select mode.
ElO2 :common shift data input, no sift data output
When L/R input is at VDD level "H", ElO1 is set for input, and EIO2 is set for output.
ElO1, EIO2
ElO1 :common shift data, no shift data output
ElO2 : segment chip enable output, as default segment is enabled internally and be non-selected
after 8,24,40,56,72 or 88 bits of data have been read. Depend on select mode.
During output, set to "H" while LP • XCK is "H" and after 120 bits of data have been read, set
to "L” for one cycle (from falling edge to failing edge of XCK), after which it returns to "H".
During input, the chip is selected while El is set to "L" after the LP signal is input. The chip is
non-selected after 120 bits of data have been read.