Digital processing
Digital processing
The STA529 processor block is a digital block providing two channels of audio processing
and channel-mapping capability.
Signal processing flow
I2S or stereo ADC data can be selected. The I2S frequency range is from 8 kHz to 192 kHz.
ADC sampling frequency can be selected from 8 kHz to 48 kHz.
I2C interface disabled
When pin I2CDIS = 1, the SDA, SCL, LRCLKO and BICLKO pins can be pulled high or low
to change certain parameters of operation.
● SDA = 0: FFX input comes from ADC
SDA = 1: FFX input comes from digital audio interface
● SCL = 0: binary output mode (binary soft start/stop enabled)
SCL = 1: phase shift output mode
● LRCLKO = 0: no volume change
LRCLKO = 1: volume up
● BICLKO = 0: no volume change
BICLKO = 1: volume down
At power up, the master volume is set to -60 dB. When holding pin LRCLKO = 1 and pin
BICLKO = 1 simultaneously, the master volume is set to 0 dB. A high pulse on pin LRCLKO
causes a master volume change of +0.5 dB and a high pulse on pin BICLKO causes a
master volume change of -0.5 dB.