CATV 75 Ω pHEMT High Gain RF Amplifier
Mechanical Information
Package Information and Dimensions
This package is lead-free/RoHS-compliant. The plating
material on the leads is 100 % Matte Tin. It is compatible
with both lead-free (maximum 260 °C reflow
temperature) and lead (maximum 245 °C reflow
temperature) soldering processes.
The TAT7430B will be marked with a “TAT7430B”
designator and an alphanumeric lot code.
Mounting Configuration
1. Ground / thermal vias are critical for the proper performance of this device. Vias should use a .35 mm (#80/.0135”) diameter drill and
have a final, plated thru diameter of .25 mm (.010”).
2. Add as much copper as possible to inner and outer layers near the part to ensure optimal thermal performance.
3. RF trace width depends upon the PC board material and construction.
4. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches). Angles are in degrees.
Data Sheet: Rev B 03/08/11
© 2011 TriQuint Semiconductor, Inc.
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