Dual Line Buffer/FIFO
Upon power-up, the LF3304 requires
the initialization of the internal read
and write address pointers. This
initialization sequence can be done
by either a Flag Enable Reset or a
Flag Disable Reset.
A Flag Enable Reset will force the
FIFO to operate in a ‘Flag Enabled’
mode. In this mode, writing will be
disabled when FFx is LOW and
reading is disabled when EFx is
LOW. Any ‘write beyond full’ event
or ‘read beyond empty’ event will be
disabled. Note: in an ‘empty’ state,
the last data word read from the
FIFO is held on the output bus until
the next valid read cycle.
A Flag Disable Reset will force the
FIFO to operate in a ‘Flag Disabled’
mode. In this mode, the user is
allowed to write over previously un-
read data and read out previously
read data. Consequently, any
enabled write or read is valid thus
allowing the write and read pointers
to ‘wrap-around’. Note: due to the
nature of this mode, the flag status
should be disregarded. For example,
as the 4096th data word is written
into the FIFO, assuming that no
preceding read cycles have occured,
FFx will be driven LOW thus indicat-
ing a ‘full’state. While the FIFO is
still in this ‘full’ state, the next
enabled write will access address
000H, thus writing over data that
has not yet been read out.
Flag Enable Reset
A Flag Enable Reset resets the read
and write pointers and enables the
flags to control the reading and
writing of data according to the Full
Flag and Empty Flag conditions. A
Flag Enable Reset occurs when the
following conditions are met:
1. RWA/RWB must be LOW for at
least one WCLKA/WCLKB cycle.
2. RRA/RRB must be LOW for at
least one RCLKA/RCLKB cycle.
3. WENx and RENx must be HIGH
during the above two conditions
plus one addition write or read
cycle (which ever is longer).
The Flag Enable Reset condition can
be disabled if one of the two Flag
Disable Reset conditions are applied.
Flag Disable Reset
A Flag Disable Reset resets the read
and write pointers and disables the
flags from controlling the reading
and writing of data. A Flag Disable
Reset occurs when the following
conditions are met:
1. RWA/RWB must be LOW for at
least one WCLKA/WCLKB cycle
while WENx is LOW.
2. RRA/RRB must be LOW for at
least one RCLKA/RCLKB cycle
while RENx is LOW.
Configuration of Programmable Flags
In order to load a FIFO A Program-
mable Flag Register, a rising edge of
WCLKA, while WENA is LOW,
latches AIN11-0 into either the PAFA
or PAEA Register - depending on the
states of ADDRA and LDA (See
Table 2).
In order to load a FIFO B Program-
mable Flag Register, a rising edge of
WCLKB, while WENB is LOW,
latches BIN11-0 into either the PAFB
or PAEB Register - depending on the
states of ADDRB and LDB (See Table
2). See the Figure labeled “Program-
mable Flag Load Timing.”
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