18 to 32 GHz GaAs Low Noise Amplifier
Data Sheet
Chip Size: 1900 x 800 µm (74.8 x 31.5 mils)
Chip Size Tolerance: ± 10 µm (± 0.4 mils)
Chip Thickness: 100 ± 10 µm (4 ± 0.4 mils)
RF Pad Dimensions: 110 x 90 µm (4.33 x 3.54 mils)
DC Pad Dimensions: 100 x 100 µm (3.94 x 3.94 mils)
Avago Technologies’ AMMC-6233 is a high gain, low-
noise amplifier that operates from 18 GHz to 32 GHz.
This LNA provides a wide-band solution for system
design since it covers several bands, thus, reduces
part inventory. The device has input / output match to
50 Ohm, is unconditionally stable and can be used as
either primary or sub-sequential low noise gain stage.
By eliminating the complex tuning and assembly
processes typically required by hybrid (discrete- FET)
amplifiers, the AMMC-6233 is a cost-effective alternative
in the 18 - 32 GHz communications receivers. The
backside of the chip is both RF and DC ground. This
helps simplify the assembly process and reduces
assembly related performance variations and costs. It
is fabricated in a PHEMT process to provide exceptional
noise and gain performance. For improved reliability
and moisture protection, the die is passivated at the
active areas.
• Microwave radio systems
• Satellite VSAT, DBS up/down link
• LMDS & Pt-Pt mmW long haul
• Broadband wireless access (including 802.16 and
802.20 WiMax)
• WLL and MMDS loops
• Integrated DC block and choke
• 50 Ω input and output match
• Single positive supply
• No negative gate bias
Specifications (Vd = 3.0 V, Idd = 65 mA)
• RF frequencies: 18 - 32 GHz
• Small-signal gain: 22 dB
• Low gain flatness: ±1 dB
• Typical noise figure: 3.0 dB
• Typical output IP3: 19 dBm
Attention: Observe precautions for
handling electrostatic sensitive devices.
ESD Machine Model (Class A)
ESD Human Body Model (Class 1A)
Refer to Avago Technologies Application Note A004R:
Electrostatic Discharge, Damage and Control.
1. This MMIC uses depletion mode pHEMT devices.