Philips Semiconductors
Frequency synthesizer
Product specification
Fig.6 Phase characteristic of PC2.
Strobe function
The strobe function is intended for applications requiring
extremely fast lock times. In normal operation the
additional strobe input (STB) can be connected to the
V-input and the circuit will function as described in the
previous sections.
In single, phase-locked-loop type frequency synthesizers,
the comparison frequency generally used is either the
nominal channel spacing or a sub-multiple. PC2 runs at
the higher frequency (a higher reference frequency must
also be used), whilst strobing takes place on the lower
frequency, thereby obtaining a decrease in lock time. In a
system using the Universal Divider HEF4751V, the output
OFS cycles on the lower frequency, the output OFF cycles
on the higher frequency.
Out-of-lock function
There are a number of situations in which the system goes
from the locked to the out-of-lock state (OL goes HIGH):
1. When V’ leads R, however out of the range of PC1.
2. When R leads V’.
3. When an R-pulse is missing.
4. When a V-pulse is missing.
5. When two successive STB-commands occur, the first
without corresponding V-signal.
Phase modulator
The phase modulator only uses one external capacitor,
CB at pin TCB. A negative-going transition at the V-input
causes CB to produce a positive-going linear ramp. When
the ramp has reached a value almost equal to the
modulation input voltage (at MOD), the ramp terminates,
CB discharges and a start signal to the CA-ramp at TCA is
produced. A linear phase modulation is reached in this
way. If no modulation is required, the MOD-input must be
connected to a fixed voltage of a certain positive value up
to VDD. Care must be taken that the V’ pulse is never
smaller than the minimum value to ensure that the external
capacitor of PC1 (CA) can be discharged during that time.
Since the V’ pulse width is directly related to the TCB ramp
duration, there is a requirement for the minimum value of
this ramp duration.
Reference oscillator
The reference oscillator normally operates with an external
crystal as shown in Fig.2. The internal circuitry can be
used as a buffer amplifier in case an external reference
should be required.
Reference divider
The reference divider consists of a binary divider with a
programmable division ratio of 1 to 1024 and a prescaler
with selectable division ratios of 1, 2, 10 and 100,
according to the following tables:
Binary divider
N (A0 TO A9)
0 ≤ N ≤ 1023
(NS0, NS1)
January 1995