The TVS low capacitance device configuration is shown in Figure 4. As a further option for unidirectional applications, an additional low capacitance
rectifier diode may be used in parallel in the same polarity direction as the TVS as shown in Figure 5. In applications where random high voltage
transients occur, this will prevent reverse transients from damaging the internal low capacitance rectifier diode and also provide a low voltage conducting
direction. The added rectifier diode should be of similar low capacitance and also have a higher reverse voltage rating than the TVS clamping voltage
VC. The Microsemi recommended rectifier part number is the “SMBJLCR60” for the application in Figure 5. If using two (2) low capacitance TVS
devices in anti-parallel for bidirectional applications, this added protective feature for both directions (including the reverse of each rectifier diode) is also
provided. The unidirectional and bidirectional configurations in Figure 5 and 6 will both result in twice the capacitance of Figure 4.
Figure 4
TVS with internal
Low capacitance diode
Figure 5
Optional Unidirectional
configuration (TVS and
separate rectifier diode
in parallel)
Figure 6
Optional Bidirectional
configuration (two TVS
devices in anti-parallel)
RF01021, Rev. B (8/15/13)
©2013 Microsemi Corporation
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