Overcurrent protection
Leaded disks, uncoated, 380 V to 1000 V
B750 ... B774
Reliability data
Electrical endurance,
Electrical endurance,
Damp heat
IEC 60738-1
IEC 60738-1
IEC 60738-1
Rapid change
of temperature
IEC 60738-1
IEC 60738-1
Climatic sequence
IEC 60738-1
IEC 60738-1
Test conditions
Room temperature, ISmax; Vmax
Number of cycles: 100
Storage at Vmax /Top,max (Vmax)
Test duration: 1000 h
Temperature of air: 40 °C
Relative humidity of air: 93%
Duration: 56 days
Test according to IEC 60068-2-78
T1 = Top,min (0 V), T2 = Top,max (0 V)
Number of cycles: 5
Test duration: 30 min
Test according to IEC 60068-2-14, test Na
Frequency range: 10 to 55 Hz
Displacement amplitude: 0.75 mm
Test duration: 3 × 2 h
Test according to IEC 60068-2-6, test Fc
Acceleration: 390 m/s2
Pulse duration: 6 ms; 6 × 4000 pulses
Dry heat: T = Top,max (0 V)
Test duration: 16 h
Damp heat first cycle
Cold: T = Top,min (0 V)
Test duration: 2 h
Damp heat 5 cycles
Tests performed according to
IEC 60068-2-30
< 25%
< 25%
< 10%
< 10%
< 5%
< 5%
< 10%
Please read Cautions and warnings and
Important notes at the end of this document.
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