The synthesizer step frequency, the reference (TXCO) frequency and the
intermediate frequency are non-programmable.
Functions F9, F10 and F11 are not enabled.
Function F5 is only enabled when a read-back programming lead is used,
(refer to Figure 4). This function displays the current frequency table of the
connected STR450 receiver.
A value for each parameters has to be entered.
Only channel 0 to 15 frequencies can be displayed by this software
Serial channel selection
Selecting the F8 function key prompts the user to enter the new serial channel number
which is then displayed in ‘Serial channel selected’.
Programming random channels
Random channels between 0 and 15 can be entered using the Up 8 and Down 9 arrow
keys and then entering the required operating frequency. The entered value must be
an integer multiple of 12.5kHz otherwise an ‘invalid’ message is displayed.
Programming sequential channels
To generate a new frequency table the following parameter values must be entered:
start frequency
the maximum frequency
the table step as a multiple of 12.5kHz.
The maximum frequency is calculated from the start table frequency and the table step..
Therefore if the calculation exceeds the maximum frequency then this parameter will
be increased automatically.
When the frequency table has been generated the user then selects F6 to program the
The function key F2 can be used to copy the contents of channel 16-31 to channel 0 -
15 to ease sequential programming.