GSM/GPRS/EDGE-RX SOC Processor Technical Brief
v1.1 Confidential A
1.1 Platform Features
Integrated voi e-band, audio-band and
base-band analog front-end
Integrated f ll-fe tured power management
MCU subsystem
ARM7EJ-STM 32-bit RISC processor
Java hardware acceleration for fast
Java-based games and applets
High-performance multi-layer AHB bus
Dedicated DMA bus with 15 DMA channels
On-chip boot ROM for factory fla h
Watchdog timer for system crash recov ry
4 sets of general-purpose timers
Circuit switch data coprocessor
Division coprocessor
Serial flash interfaces
Supports various operating frequency
combinations for serial flash
Supports QPI and SPI serial flash
User interfaces
5-row x 5-column keypad controller with
hardware scanner
Supports multiple key presses for gaming
Dual SIM/USIM controller with hardware T =
0/T = 1 protocol control
Real-time clock (RTC) operating with a
low-quiescent-current power supply
General-purpose I/Os (GPIOs) available for
auxiliary applications
1 sets of Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
16 external interrupt lines
1 external channel auxiliary 10-bit A/D
Supports security key and chip random ID
2 UARTs with hardware flow control and
supports baud rate up to 921,600 bps
FS/LS USB 1.1 device controller
Multimedia card, secure digital Memory Card,
host controller with flexible I/O voltage power
Supports SDIO interface for SDIO
peripherals as well as WIFI connectivity
DAI/PCM and I2S interface for audio
I2C master interface for peripheral
management including image sensors
SPI master interface for peripheral
mana ement.
Power management
Li-ion battery charger
14 LDOs fo the power supply of memory
card, camera, Bluetooth, RF, SIM card and
other diversified usage
4 open-drain outpu switches to
supply/control the LED
LDO type vibrato
One NMOS switch to control keypad LED
Thermal overload protection
Under-voltage lock-out prot ction
Over-voltage protection
Different levels of sleep modes with
sophisticated software control enables
excellent power saving performance.
MediaTek Confidential
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