GSM/GPRS/EDGE-RX SOC Processor Technical Brief
v1.1 Confidential A
presses, SIM controller, real-time clock, PWM,
serial/parallel LCD controller and
general-purpose programmable I/Os.
Using a highly integrated mixed-signal audio
front-end, the MT6260A architecture provides
easy audio interfacing with direct connection to
the audio transducers The audio interface
integrates A/D converters for voice band, as well
as high-resolution tereo D/A converters for both
audio and voice band
MT6260A supports AMR codec to adaptively
optimize the quality of speech a d audio.
Moreover, HE-AAC codec is implemented to
deliver CD-quality audio at low bit r tes.
In addition, a 1.2W audio amplifier is lso
embedded to save the BOM cost of adopting
external amplifiers.
MT6260A integrates a mixed-signal baseband
front-end in order to provide a well-organized
radio interface with flexibility for efficient
customization. The front-end contains gain and
offset calibration mechanisms and filters with
programmable coefficients for comprehensive
compatibility control on RF modules. MT6260A
achieves outstanding MODEM performance by
utilizing a highly dynamic range ADC in the RF
downlink path.
MT6260A embeds a high-performance and
completely integrated single-ended SAW-less
RF transceiver for multi-band GSM cellular
system. In this RF transceiver, a quad-band
receiving feature with high sensitivity is
supported utilizing one RF receiver and a fully
integrated channel filter. With ultra-high dynamic
range, the off-chip balun and SAW filters on the
receiving path can be removed for BOM cost
reduction. In addition, the minimum component
count is guaranteed by realizing a highly
integrated transmitter, low-spur frequency
synthesizer and a Digitally-Controlled Crystal
Oscillator (DCXO).
Bluetooth radio
MT6260A offers a highly integrated Bluetooth
radio and baseband processor. Only a minimum
of external components are required. MT6260A
provides superior sensitivity and class 1 output
power and thus ensures the quality of the
connection with a wide range of Bluetooth
MT6260A is fully compliant with Bluetooth v3.0
and offers enhanced data rates of up to 3Mbps.
It also provides the coexistence protocol with
802.11 system.
MT6260A supports rich Bluetooth profiles,
enabling diversified applications that are widely
used on the handset with excellent
FM radio
The FM adio subsystem provides a completely
integrated FM Rx receiver supporting 87.5 ~
108MHz FM bands with 50kHz tuning step. It
also performs fast channel seek/scan algorithm
to validate 200 carrier frequencies in 6 seconds.
In addition to receiving FM audio broadcasting,
the digital RDS/RBDS data system is supported
as well. The integrated FM transceiver utilizes
state-of-the-art digital demodulation/modulation
techniques to achieve ex ellent performance.
In order to achieve high SINAD, good sensitivity
and excellent noise suppression, the FM
receiver adopts adaptive demodulation scheme
to optimize Rx system performance in all ranges
of signal quality by reference of a very
sophisticated channel quality index (CQI). When
the received signal quality is poor, the design not
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