Audio ICs
(4) Treble filter
BH3852S / BH3852FS
S Cutoff frequency (fC1) for the bypass filter can be
changed using the attached C3.
fC1 = 2π C3 2kΩ
The fC1 for the recommended constant is
approximately 8 kHz.
S fC2 is determined by the band of the built-in amp.
fC2 is approximately 100 kHz.
Tone control is designed to yield a variation of
±15dB (Typ.) when the frequency to be boosted or
cut is at the peak or bottom of the filter frequency
characteristic, so please take the frequency charac-
teristic into consideration in designing the filter.
(5) Signal level setting
The following figure represents the standard setting for
the BH3852FS / BH3852S.
LAs indicated above, if the front volume and rear volume
input level are set so as not to exceed +6dBV (2Vrms),
the pre-amp gain setting can be used to improve the S / N