4Bit Single Chip Microcontroller
Memory mapped I/O
Program memory : 8192 x 10bits
Data memory : 512 x 4bits
8-bit A/D converter
- 8-bit successive approximate type
- 8 channels
- Sample and hold
- Conversion time : 17.1 us at 4.19MHz
- Various bit manipulation
- 8-bit data operation
- 7-bit relative branch
- 1 byte absolute call
Instruction cycle times
- Main ( XI = 4.19MHz )
. 15.3 us ( XI/64 = 65.5KHz )
. 1.91 us ( XI/8 = 524.0KHz )
. 0.95 us ( XI/4 = 1.05MHz )
4 Register Bank
General register : 8 x 4-bit respectively
- Bit Accumulator (CY), 4 bit Accumulator (A),
8 bit Accumulator (XA)
Key scan
- 4, 6, 8 Pins Selectable : Port 4, 5
- Falling edge operation
56 I/O Ports
- CMOS Ports : 40
- N-channel open drain Ports : 16
- Direct LED drive
- Internal pull-up resistor (Mask option)
Power saving mode
- STOP : Main clock, CPU clock stop
- STBY : Only CPU clock stop
Main clock operation
Package : 64 QFP, 64 SDIP
Multiple vectored interrupt source
- External interrupt : 4
- Internal interrupt : 7
Watch timer
- fast mode : 3.91 msec
- normal mode : 0.5 sec
- buzzer output : 1, 2, 4 KHz
VTR, Audio, Telephone, Printer, Refrigerator
Fan Heater, Washing Machine
Basic interval timer
- 8 kinds of period
- Used stabilization wait timer to wake up Stop mode
Three 8-bit timer / event counters
8-bit serial communication interface
- External / Internal clock selection
- Mode : Transmit ·Receive
Receive only
Clock continuous