LC75813E, LC75813T
1/3, 1/4-Duty General-Purpose
LCD Driver
The LC75813E and LC75813T are 1/3 duty and 1/4 duty general-purpose
LCD drivers that can be used for frequency display in electronic tuners under
the control of a microcontroller. The LC75813E and LC75813T can drive an
LCD with up to 344 segments directly. The LC75813E and LC75813T can
also control up to 8 general-purpose output ports. Since the LC75813E and
LC75813T use separate power supply systems for the LCD drive block and
the logic block, the LCD driver block power-supply voltage can be set to any
voltage in the range 2.7 to 6.0 volts, regardless of the logic block power-
supply voltage.
Switching between 1/3 duty and 1/4 duty drive techniques under serial data
Switching between 1/2 bias and 1/3 bias drive techniques under serial data
Up to 261 segments for 1/3 duty drive and 344 segments for 1/4 duty drive
can be displayed.
Serial data input supports CCB* format communication with the system
Serial data control of the power-saving mode based backup function and all
the segments forced off function.
Serial data control of switching between the segment output port and the
general-purpose output port functions.
Serial data control of frame frequency for common and segment output
High generality, since display data is displayed directly without decoder
Independent VLCD for the LCD driver block (VLCD can be set to any
voltage in the range 2.7 to 6.0 volts, regardless of the logic block power-
supply voltage.)
The INH pin can force the display to the off state.
RC oscillator circuit
PQFP100 14x20 / QIP100E
TQFP100 14x14 / TQFP100
* Computer Control Bus (CCB) is an ON Semiconductor’s original bus format and
the bus addresses are controlled by ON Semiconductor.
See detailed ordering and shipping information on page 28 of this data sheet.
© Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2017
June 2017 - Rev. 1
Publication Order Number :