Pair Gain Dual SPM Detector
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CMX661 Advance Information
5. Application Notes
5.1 Signal Input Configurations
Figure 3 shows how the input amplifiers can be connected as differential mode or common mode amplifiers,
according to the application.
Figure 3: Example Input Configurations
External components are necessary to generate the bias voltage for the input op-amps. (The voltage labeled
VBIAS in Figure 3). This could be a potential divider consisting of two 15kΩ resistors and a 1.0µF capacitor to
decouple the output.
5.2 Crystal/Clock Distribution
The CMX661 requires a 3.579545MHz crystal. With the exception of the crystal, all oscillator components are
incorporated on chip.
5.3 Channel 1 and Channel 2 Output Format
Figure 4 illustrates the output format, which is the same for both channels.
Figure 4: Detector Output Format
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