3MHz Fast Transient 400mA Step-Down Converter
Thermal Calculations
There are three types of losses associated with the
AAT1149 step-down converter: switching losses, conduc-
tion losses, and quiescent current losses. Conduction
losses are associated with the RDS(ON) characteristics of the
power output switching devices. Switching losses are
dominated by the gate charge of the power output switch-
ing devices. At full load, assuming continuous conduction
mode (CCM), a simplified form of the losses is given by:
IO2 · (RDS(ON)H · VO + RDS(ON)L · [VIN - VO])
+ (tsw · FS · IO + IQ) · VIN
IQ is the step-down converter quiescent current. The
term tsw is used to estimate the full load step-down con-
verter switching losses.
For the condition where the step-down converter is in
dropout at 100% duty cycle, the total device dissipation
reduces to:
Since RDS(ON), quiescent current, and switching losses all
vary with input voltage, the total losses should be inves-
tigated over the complete input voltage range.
Given the total losses, the maximum junction tempera-
ture can be derived from the θJA for the SC70JW-8 pack-
age which is 160°C/W.
1. The input capacitor (C2) should connect as closely as
possible to IN (Pin 3) and PGND (Pins 6-8).
2. C1 and L1 should be connected as closely as possi-
ble. The connection of L1 to the LX pin should be as
short as possible.
3. The feedback trace or FB pin (Pin 2) should be sepa-
ate from any power trace and connect as closely as
possible to the load point. Sensing along a high-
current load trace will degrade DC load regulation. If
external feedback resistors are used, they should be
placed as closely as possible to the FB pin (Pin 2) to
minimize the length of the high impedance feedback
4. The resistance of the trace from the load return to
the PGND (Pins 6-8) should be kept to a minimum.
This will help to minimize any error in DC regulation
due to differences in the potential of the internal
signal ground and the power ground.
5. The pad on the PCB for the WLCSP-5 package should
use NSMD (non-solder mask defined) configuration
due to its tighter control on the copper etch process.
A pad thickness of less than 1oz is recommended to
achieve higher stand-off. A high density, small foot-
print layout can be achieved using an inexpensive,
miniature, non-shielded, high DCR inductor, as
shown in Figure 8.
WLCSP Package Light Sensitivity
The electrical performance of the WLCSP package can be
adversely affected by exposing the device to certain light
sources such as direct sunlight or a halogen lamp whose
wavelengths are red and infra-reds. However, fluores-
cent lighting has very little effect on the electrical perfor-
mance of the WLCSP package.
The suggested PCB layout for the AAT1149 is shown in
Figures 1, 2, and 3. The following guidelines should be
used to help ensure a proper layout.
Figure 8: Minimum Footprint Evaluation Board
Using 2.0x1.25x1.0mm Inductor.