Avago Technologies
Precision Optically Isolated Voltage Sensor

Broadcom Corporation
High CMR Intelligent Power Module and Gate Drive Interface Optocoupler

Avago Technologies
Single-channel and Dual-channel High Speed 15 MBd CMOS optocoupler with Glitch-Free Power-Up Feature

Avago Technologies
Intelligent Power Module and Gate Drive Interface Optocouplers

Broadcom Corporation
Positive Logic High CMR Intelligent Power Module and Gate Drive Interface Optocoupler

Avago Technologies
Single-channel and Dual-channel High Speed 15 MBd CMOS optocoupler with Glitch-Free Power-Up Feature

Avago Technologies
Low Power, 5 MBd Digital CMOS Optocoupler

Avago Technologies
Ultra Low Power 10 MBd Digital CMOS Optocouplers

Avago Technologies
2.5 Amp Output Current IGBT Gate Driver Optocoupler with Integrated (VCE) Desaturation Detection, UVLO Fault Status Feedback, Active Miller Clamp and Auto-Fault Reset

Avago Technologies
Intelligent Power Module and Gate Drive Interface Optocouplers

Broadcom Corporation
Wide Operating Temperature Automotive R2Coupler™ 20-kBd Digital Optocoupler Configurable as Low Power, Low Leakage Phototransistor

Avago Technologies
10MBd Wide Operating Temperature Automotive Digital Optocoupler with R2Coupler™ Isolation and AEC-Q100 Qualification

Avago Technologies
Precision Isolation Amplifiers / ACPL-790B, ACPL-790A, ACPL-7900

Avago Technologies
Miniature Isolation Amplifers

Avago Technologies
Low Power, 5 MBd Digital CMOS Optocoupler