Sanken Electric co.,ltd.
Quasi-Resonant Topology Primary Switching Regulators

Power IC for Quasi-Resonant Type Switching Power Supply with High Efficiency and Low Noise in Full Load Range

Allegro MicroSystems
Universal-Input/100 W Off-Line QuasiResonant Flyback Switching Regulator

Power IC for Quasi-Resonant Type Switching Power Supply with High Efficiency and Low Noise in Full Load Range

Sanken Electric co.,ltd.
(STR-W6700 Series) Quasi-Resonant Switching Regulators

Allegro MicroSystems
Universal-Input/58 W Off-Line Quasi Resonant Flyback Switching Regulator

Sanken Electric co.,ltd.
Quasi-Resonant Topology Primary Switching Regulators

Sanken Electric co.,ltd.
Off-Line PWM Controllers with Integrated Power MOSFET

Sanken Electric co.,ltd.
(STR-W6700 Series) Quasi-Resonant Switching Regulators

Sanken Electric co.,ltd.
(STR-W6700 Series) Quasi-Resonant Switching Regulators

Sanken Electric co.,ltd.
Quasi-Resonant Topology Primary Switching Regulators

Power IC for Quasi-Resonant Type Switching Power Supply with High Efficiency and Low Noise in Full Load Range